Please note that we only give out bags that contain each required item. Please do not add optional items unless every required item is complete. We do ask that you do not include religious books or items that have monkeys on them. Please avoid shirts that say “I love mommy or daddy” as this can be confusing with the different caregivers in their life. Print your checklist here.
Kindly let us know what size bag(s) you are planning to help us ensure a balanced distribution of ages. Sign up here.
Each item must be new with the tags left on.
No food of any kind be placed in any of the bags (excluding formula).
Please be sure all items in your bag correspond with the same age/gender. Teen outfit = teen book, newborn pj’s = same size diapers, boy outfit = boy blanket, etc.
Because of the magnitude of donations, we can only accept complete bags with our list of required items. We encourage you to pair up with a friend if needed to complete a bag!
Check out our recommended book list here.